
Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Grade 3 Independent Writing

    By the end of Grade 3 our goal, as a team, is to get our students to become more independent in their writing. It is imperative that our kids learn to write independently. An independent writer uses ideas from shared writing to produce their own piece, refers to charts and rubrics to revise and edit their own composition and has a teacher evaluation (conference) for growth.

This is how we get the whole independent writing process started in our class:
     After introducing the genre, I read a few books or stories related to the genre of writing being covered in class (mentor texts). 

for Persuasive writing

Above and below are examples of texts I would use to teach persuasive. The kids loved The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!

    The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs

      We discuss the elements of that genre. For example in persuasive we know the reader has an opinion or a problem they want solved, they give reasons and facts to support their argument.   Persuasive writing
      We then do a piece of shared writing. Together as a class we will write one piece on chart paper. If we are covering persuasive writing, we write a persuasive piece together etc.This piece is normally very rough and filled with mistakes. When we are finished I take the opportunity to model how to edit the writing. All of the above is over the course of a few days/week.
       Finally, we start our independent writing. Students will normally complete a graphic organiser, a rough draft, and 2nd draft and a final good copy. Again this is done over the course of a few days/week. Before doing any of the "stages" of this writing, we discuss the graphic organiser, how to edit the rough copies and what the final copy should look like. We try to keep this as independent as possible. However, I normally assign a topic and our kids can ask me questions to verify some part of the process but for the most part the writing is their own. Our kids come up with their own ideas and edit their own work using checklists and a rubric. The rubric below is the rubric your child used to help determine whether their procedural writing was just okay, good or great.

My procedure has a title.

My procedure tells what to make or do.

My procedure tells what is needed.

My procedure has steps that tell what to do.

Each step starts on a new line.

The steps are in the correct order.

My procedure has all the steps needed to reach the goal.

I have used present tense verbs to begin sentences.

I have used capital letters and periods correctly.

I have checked that all words are spelled correctly

    When the students have self edited, their rubric has been completed, and their final copy is ready (according to them)- we conference. In a conference we review the rubric and discuss their writing. "What did you do well?" and  "What could you do better next time?" are a few questions you would hear in our conference. The conference not only provides recognition but an opportunity to give feedback to the student.
      I hope this helps anyone who may have had questions about how we write in class! Again, if you ever have any questions comments or concerns please feel free to email me or call me at the school!

Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Morning Announcements for Modigliani

Hello Everyone!
  We are a very lucky class-we've been on the announcements 4-5 times in the last 2 months! I know parents don't always get to see the kids in action on the announcements so here is a special treat for you.
The announcement team came to our class today and interviewed a few of our kids about their Modigliani inspired portraits of their best friend. These announcements will be played on the morning of May 16th. They did a wonderful job! Check us out at the link below

Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

Monday, 7 May 2012

Social Studies Interview Project

Here is the outline for the social studies project below. If you have any questions PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CONTACT ME!

Social Studies Interview Project

Due May 25Th 2012

                In Social Studies your child is learning about the people of New Brunswick. We have been talking about what life is like now in New Brunswick and what it might have been like for our grandparents and great grandparents growing up in New Brunswick. During the discussion about New Brunswick then and now the kids had many questions. What was life like for our grandparents when they were our age? What are some things that might be the same today as it was then? What was different?

                Due to the many questions about growing up in the past in New Brunswick we will be conducting interviews. Find an older member of your family to interview. Write, record or tape the answers to the following questions and be ready to present the answers to the class. Feel free to add a question or two of your own!

1.       What were your favourite things to do when you were young?

2.       How many people were in your family?

3.       Did you have any chores?

4.       What kind of technology did you use? (Did your family have a phone? T.V?)

5.       Did you like school? What did you like? What didn’t you like?

6.       What did you wear? Were girls allowed to wear pants to school?

7.       What is one of the most interesting things you remember learning?

8.       What was New Brunswick like when you were little? Were there a lot of cities? Were there farms?

9.       What types of jobs were available for people to do in New Brunswick when you were little?

*We have a few families who are not originally from New Brunswick. In these cases you may ask an older family member what is was like where they grew up.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012



    I've noticed lately a few of the kids have been leaving tests to be signed in their desks. You should have received your child's marks for 3 extra practice tests in Math unit 7 (Geometry), a big Geometry test, 4 spelling tests, and 3 listening comprehensions. We are doing our weekly desk organizing tomorrow and hopefully most of the tests/quizzes will make it home. If you do not get one of these tests/quizzes sent home to you please send me an email at . I will gladly send you their marks for any of these quizzes/tests. I try my best to be sure that everyone brings all of these things home but with 25 kids in the room I occaionally miss checking a few kids before they pack up for the day!
Ashley Daley-Creamer


    Exciting news for Grade 3! We have a new Art curriculum! April 20th teachers all over our district had a professional development day and our Grade level was lucky enough to review our new Art program for part of our sessions.
    Our next Art lesson after my session we put our new curriculum to good use. We have begun a study on pointilism. In particular we are learning about Georges Seuret. Maybe you have heard of him or you have seen some of his work...

     Pointillism is a technique of painting in which small, distinct dots of pure colour are applied in patterns to form an image.Up close the painting looks like a bunch of dots but as you step farther away the dots form an image. Ask your son or daughter about pointillism-they have become experts and would love to explain this incredible technique to you! Below are a few pointillism pieces created by Marcus, Stuart and Rebecca. Enjoy!
Up close..what could it be?

Great butterfly Rebecca!

More dots?

No it is Marcus' sun!

What on Earth did Stuart draw?

A hockey boy drawing a hockey stick-figures :)
Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

May Newsletter

Here is a copy of our May newsletter that I sent home today with your child.



    Where is the time going? In the blink of an eye our school year will be done and our kids will able to call themselves fourth graders! I want to give a big WELCOME to Nicole Wilson. She has joined us from Hampton Elementary and is a great addition to our class.


 I wanted to let you know that I now have our class blog up and running! I know it is a little late but better late than never! Please visit us at We are also on the Fairvale site in the class web pages under Mrs. Daley-Creamer’s class blog. There you will find homework, upcoming events, and see what we are doing in class. I hope you will visit us!


   We have another busy month on our hands and as always if you ever have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact me at the school at 847-6202, by email at, or through a written note placed in your child’s agenda.

Math Outcomes

This month we will be working on a new unit about multiplication and division. Multiplication and division are basic computational skills that children must eventually master in order to succeed in higher levels of mathematics.


 The focus of this unit is on developing an understanding of the processes of multiplication and division  in order to develop strategies for multiplying and dividing whole numbers up to 5 × 5. Children will use counters, number lines, and arrays to develop their understanding. In this unit, your child will:

• Model multiplication and division up to 5 × 5

• Find strategies to multiply and divide up to 5 × 5

• Pose and solve story problems involving multiplication and division.


Encourage your child to share different strategies used to multiply and divide. We use multiplication and division in many day-to-day situations. Here are some suggestions for activities you can do at home:

• Look for things that come in groups of 2, 3, 4, and 5. Create problems. For example: Bikes have 2 tires. How many tires are on 4 bikes?

• Use a deck of playing cards, using only the 1s (Aces) to 5s.Shuffle the cards. Flip the first card. This represents the number of groups. Flip the second card. This represents the number of objects in each group. Have your child draw a picture to match the cards, and write a multiplication and division sentence to match the picture. Continue until all cards are used up.

For some fun interactive games please visit It is a favourite site I use with my Math help kids.

Language Arts

   In Language Arts, reading continues with an emphasis on good reading comprehension strategies. Descriptive writing will be our focus this month. Students will learn that a good piece of descriptive writing describes the characteristics of people, places and things. A good piece of descriptive writing has an introduction telling who or what is being written about, tells us about the characteristics  of the person, place or thing and finishes with how the writer feels about the person, place or thing.

Social Studies/ Science/Health/Art

In social studies we are learning about the people of New Brunswick. I will be assigning a project where students will have to interview an older resident of New Brunswick (like their nanny, grampy etc.). More details to follow.

In Science we continue in structures. I can’t wait to see all of the hard work our kids have put into their projects! They are so excited!

In Health we have been conducting a dental health experiment. Ask your kids what will happens when a tooth sits in pop, coffee or tea for a week!

In Art we are working on pointillism. We will also be discussing some very famous paintings in class. Be prepared for your kids to be critiquing the art you may have around your home!









Student Led Clubs


Library Day


Student Led Clubs
*Structure Project Due


No School



Student Led Clubs
Math Test
Unit 7


Library Day


Student Led Clubs




Student Led Clubs


Library Day


Student Led Clubs


No School


No School


Student Led Clubs


Library Day


Student Led Clubs




Student Led Clubs


Library Day


Student Led Clubs


O Canada!

A few weeks ago our class participated in a music contest. The school that makes the best video of their students singing O Canada will win money to go towards their schools music program. While we still don't know the results of this contest I thought it would be nice to share the final product of our class (and school) singing our version of O Canada. Enjoy!

Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

What's happening?

I am so proud of all the hard work our kids have been doing this term. We do so much in the run of a day that you all don't always get to see! So here are a few pictures of what has been happening in our class.

Our take on Van Gogh's sunflowers.

Our beautiful "stained glass" window decorations.

In Health we have been doing an experiment. We want to know which drink is the worst for our teeth.

So far juice seems to be the worst drink!

Our lovely poster projects. The kids worked so hard!

Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer