Where is the time going? In the blink of an
eye our school year will be done and our kids will able to call themselves
fourth graders! I want to give a big WELCOME to Nicole Wilson. She has joined
us from Hampton Elementary and is a great addition to our class.
I wanted to let you know that I now have our
class blog up and running! I know it is a little late but better late than
never! Please visit us at mrsdaleycreamersclass.blogspot.com. We are also on
the Fairvale site in the class web pages under Mrs. Daley-Creamer’s class blog.
There you will find homework, upcoming events, and see what we are doing in
class. I hope you will visit us!
We have another
busy month on our hands and as always if you ever have any questions, comments
or concerns please feel free to contact me at the school at 847-6202, by email at ashley.daley@nbed.nb.ca,
or through a written note placed in your child’s agenda.
Math Outcomes
This month we will be working on a new unit
about multiplication and division. Multiplication and division are basic
computational skills that children must eventually master in order to succeed
in higher levels of mathematics.
focus of this unit is on developing an understanding of the processes of
multiplication and division in order to
develop strategies for multiplying and dividing whole numbers up to 5 × 5.
Children will use counters, number lines, and arrays to develop their
understanding. In this unit, your child will:
• Model multiplication and division up to 5 ×
• Find strategies to multiply and divide up
to 5 × 5
• Pose and solve story problems involving
multiplication and division.
Encourage your child to share different
strategies used to multiply and divide. We use multiplication and division in
many day-to-day situations. Here are some suggestions for activities you can do
at home:
• Look for things that come in groups of 2,
3, 4, and 5. Create problems. For example: Bikes have 2 tires. How many tires
are on 4 bikes?
• Use a deck of playing cards, using only the
1s (Aces) to 5s.Shuffle the cards. Flip the first card. This represents the
number of groups. Flip the second card. This represents the number of objects
in each group. Have your child draw a picture to match the cards, and write a
multiplication and division sentence to match the picture. Continue until all
cards are used up.
For some fun interactive games
please visit multiplication.com. It is a favourite site I use with my Math help
Language Arts
In Language Arts, reading continues with an
emphasis on good reading comprehension strategies. Descriptive writing will be
our focus this month. Students will learn that a good piece of descriptive
writing describes the characteristics of people, places and things. A good
piece of descriptive writing has an introduction telling who or what is being
written about, tells us about the characteristics of the person, place or thing and finishes
with how the writer feels about the person, place or thing.
Social Studies/ Science/Health/Art
In social studies we are
learning about the people of New Brunswick. I will be assigning a project where
students will have to interview an older resident of New Brunswick (like their
nanny, grampy etc.). More details to follow.
In Science we continue in
structures. I can’t wait to see all of the hard work our kids have put into
their projects! They are so excited!
In Health we have been
conducting a dental health experiment. Ask your kids what will happens when a
tooth sits in pop, coffee or tea for a week!
In Art we are working on
pointillism. We will also be discussing some very famous paintings in class. Be
prepared for your kids to be critiquing the art you may have around your home!
Student Led Clubs
Library Day
Student Led Clubs
Project Due
No School
Student Led Clubs
Math Test
Unit 7
Library Day
Student Led Clubs
Student Led Clubs
Library Day
Student Led Clubs
No School
No School
Student Led Clubs
Library Day
Student Led Clubs
Student Led Clubs
Library Day
Student Led Clubs
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