
Monday, 17 September 2012

Naughty Letter Ee

    I love, love, love teaching our kiddos little tricks to help them with their reading. I was working with my Grade One's today and my little buddy Owen noticed something in our morning message. On the message I wrote about a rat. He noticed that the word rat looked a whole lot like the word rate  in our Rate Your Writing corner.
Rat and rate-what started our talk about that naughty letter e.

    Thank goodness I'm pretty organised and have most of my literacy games ready because this was the perfect opportunity to teach the kiddos about the naughty letter E. This is how I explained it to the kids: The letter Ee is like the bully of the alphabet. He likes to pick on the other vowels and make them do silly things. Most of the time when the letter e is at the end of the word, he likes to pinch the vowel in the middle to make them say their name.
     I then wrote the word mat on the board. This is the word mat, but looks what happens when we add the letter e to the end. Mat turns into mate. It no longer says the "ah" sound in the middle it says its name "ay". The kids thought this was just amazing and we played a little game. See if your kiddo can tell you about the naughty letter E tonight!
Twin turns into twine, man to mane, can to cane etc.

Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

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