
Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Establishing Our Classroom Community

We are beginning to settle into a nice little routine in our classroom. The kids have been putting forth their best efforts and following our classroom rules. In fact, the kids are "rated" on their behaviour. In our room we have a behaviour chart. Each morning the kids start off at green (ready to learn). They then move up or down the chart depending on the actions they choose. As you will see below, our kids are pretty well behaved.
Be sure to ask your kiddo where they ended up on our behaviour chart today!

As a class we discussed using kind words when speaking to our classmates. I explained to the students that when they use unkind words it hurts hearts. I then gave them a little visual by using a paper heart and wrinkling it every time something unkind was said. In the end my paper heart was no longer smooth but wrinkled. I showed them that no matter how hard I tried to smooth out the heart, it was forever wrinkled. I explained to our kiddos that even if we apologise for our unkind words hearts are still "wrinkled"/hurt. We read a wonderful book called Chrysanthemum and I had the kids wrinkle mini paper hearts every time a character in the book teased our main character. It was a great little lesson for the kids. We have all pledged to choose our words wisely when speaking to one another.

We have such a nice class that I am sure no one will be "wrinkling" any hearts anytime soon.
Mrs. Ashley Daley-Creamer

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